Encounter at Mountain Green

Encounter at Mountain Green

Encounter at Mountain Green HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 Atense confrontation between members of the British Hudson’s Bay Company and the Rocky Mountain Fur Company trappers, and a company of French-Canadian trappers occurred near the...
Encounter at Mountain Green

Trappers Winter Camp

Trappers Winter Camp HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 Atypical over-wintering settlement strategy utilized by Rocky Mountain fur trappers in the 1820s to 1840s required access to game, timber and water. The availability of these items made...
Encounter at Mountain Green

Harvey Pond

Harvey Pond HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 Between 1863 and 1870, Daniel and Hannah Smuin Harvey acquired approximately 360 acres of mostly steep, rocky, brushy, and mostly dry property on the southeast corner of Kay’s Ward. The Harvey...
Encounter at Mountain Green

Orchards and Brickyard

Orchards and Brickyard HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 After the Samuel Ward family established their first log home above Kaysville, they soon found that one group of Shoshone often traveled along a habitually used north-south trail that...
Encounter at Mountain Green

Bair Canyon Enterprises

Bair Canyon Enterprises HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 The Bair, Raymond, and Green pioneers gravitated to the land near the mouth of Bair Canyon. This canyon from which Haight’s Creek flows was later named after John Bair who built an...