Kaysville Youth
The Children and Teens Who Played Important Roles
In The Development of Kaysville and Fruit Heights

During early pioneer times, the children suffered the “grim realities of a pioneer existence1.” When an old woman, Emily Stewart Barnes, recorded scraps of paper the memories of her childhood and girlhood days. Emily had emigrated from England, and like her parents, had to learn how to survive in a desert climate, gaining skills they had not developed in their prior lives. Children and adults grubbed the sagebrush to make room to plant crops. They shivered under leaking roofs and tended cattle with bare feet. Few had time or resources to have a photograph taken so their youthful images remain elusive and today we must exercise imagination to see the child in the photograph of the old man.
Read More about some of the youth that helped settle the area.
By 1854, the number of Kaysville men serving in the militia made it possible to have two companies. They often held drills to be prepared to defend their homes. Allen Taylor and Robert Harris were both captains under the command of the regiment headquarters located in Farmington. Christopher Layton was captain of a minute company of cavalry. Some Kaysville men were “called to arms1” out against Johnston’s Army under the orders of Robert W. Burton.
Read More about some of the youth that helped build our community.
- Barnes, Claude T. The Grim Years or The Life of Emily Stewart Barnes. Inland Printing Company: Kaysville, Utah; 1964.
More resources surface regularly that add to local history. KFH Museum welcomes stories of the children and young adults that give glimpses into their lives. Email to ourkaysvillestory@gmail.com.