by JRobins | Mar 2, 1890 | Kaysville Kinks
The new mayor and city council will fill their seats next Monday evening. Snow has taken the place of mud, and sleighs have taken the place of wagons and other vehicles. Thin stars and stripes floated to the breeze all day yesterday Irma the tower of the city day...
by JRobins | Feb 23, 1890 | Kaysville Kinks
Agent O. A. Taylor is laid up with erysipelas. The usual monthly conjoint meeting will be held next Sunday evening. All invited. We are having a heavy snow, and the indications, are that we shall again hear the merry jingle of the sleigh bells. A social party at Mrs...
by JRobins | Jan 28, 1890 | Kaysville Kinks
John G. Barnes has been laid up this week. A mild case of la grippe, no doubt. Richard E. Eagan, county assessor and collector, was here yesterday rustling up delinquent taxpayers. The movement on foot to reorganize the Dramatic association is a very laudable one,...
by JRobins | Jan 19, 1890 | Kaysville Kinks
The Haley Family Comedy and Dramatic company will present The Blacksmiths Oath at the Music hall Monday evening. Veterinary Surgeon Richards of Salt Sake city came up on Tuesday on professional business. Some members of the family J.R. Barnes a few days ago were...
by JRobins | Jan 7, 1890 | Kaysville Kinks
The usual monthly conjoint meeting of the M. I. association was held last evening. A very interesting programme was rendered to a well-filled house. The good sleighing on New Year’s day was highly appreciated by lovers of that pastime. The heavy snowfall in the...