Bunting Family Cabin

Bunting Family Cabin

Bunting Family Cabin HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 Ann Slater Bunting’s family is shown gathered in front of a cabin near the mountain at the north end of the current Mountain Road in Fruit Heights. In 1855, Ann emigrated to the United...
Bunting Family Cabin

Horse Drive

Horse Drive HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 Miles Goodyear obtained a herd of horses with the intent to trade with emigrants along the Overland Trail. Goodyear was a mountain man who gave up fur trapping to trade and build Fort Buenaventura...
Bunting Family Cabin

Osborne Russell Meets Wolverine

Osborne Russell Meets Wolverine HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 During the winter of 1840-41, trapper Osborne Russell wintered with a group of mountaineers, their families, and several Shoshone lodges. They likely camped somewhere along the...
Bunting Family Cabin

Circumnavigating the Great Salt Lake

Circumnavigating the Great Salt Lake HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 In 1826, a bull-boat was used by four men attempting to navigate the circumference of the Great Salt Lake beginning at the mouth of the Weber River. During this journey,...
Bunting Family Cabin

Encounter at Mountain Green

Encounter at Mountain Green HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 Atense confrontation between members of the British Hudson’s Bay Company and the Rocky Mountain Fur Company trappers, and a company of French-Canadian trappers occurred near the...
Bunting Family Cabin

Trappers Winter Camp

Trappers Winter Camp HISTORIC MARKER Latitude 41.053538,  Longitude -111.908859 Atypical over-wintering settlement strategy utilized by Rocky Mountain fur trappers in the 1820s to 1840s required access to game, timber and water. The availability of these items made...