- The students of the Central school of the Eighth school district are preparing a programme which will be rendered next Tuesday. Parents and friends are cordially invited.
- People living on the street between the Coop and the depot would do well to see that their gates are kept closed these dark nights, as those opening on the outside are very dangerous, and passers-by may meet with severe injuries by coming in contact with them.
- The persons who have the coming concert for the benefit of the academy in hand are laboring very energetically to make it a success. The present indications are that it will be the greatest musical treat we ever had, and those who are willing to spend their time in so good a cause should have the hearty support and patronage of the whole community.
- Messrs Arthur Stayner, Elias Morris and others, of the Utah Sugar company, held a meeting here on Thursday in the interest of the sugar business. Kaysville has the best soil and the best facilities for growing the sugar beet, as proven by the analysis of the beets raised by Mr. Joseph King, of the Second ward, of any place in the territory, and It Is very probable the sugar industry will be established in our midst.
- The question has been asked: Is the course pursued by our city council in refusing to grant license for a saloon to parties who have applied, a wise one? The above question is a very difficult one to comment on, but is worthy the consideration of each individual. A short time ago we were entirely free from influences of this kind, but to-day it is not so. We have a saloon on the south of us, we are threatened with one on the north of us, and right in our immediate neighborhood we have a non-licensed establishment where such drinks as ginger brandy, bitters of all kinds, which inebriate, corrupt and destroy, are sold and drank as freely as wines liquors etc., in a licensed liquor saloon. While we do not wish to see a place of this kind in our midst, still we do not approve of seeing its glaring lights saying to the unwary passers by “do drop in,” without some revenue and some benefit for the whole. We admire the course that has been pursued by our city council In refusing to grant a liquor license, but when we see patent medicines used as liquors, and individuals intoxicated through imbibing too freely of the same, it is time a course be pursued that will meet the emergency. If the time has arrived when a saloon in Kaysville has become a necessary evil, we would favor a high licensed one so that the revenue may be used for the improvement of our streets and highways. If the parties should refuse to pay a high license, but continue in the sale of patent Intoxicating medicines then some measure should be adopted to stop the traffic in these drugs, and if we must have a drinking saloon, let the proprietors pay, as all other saloon keepers pay, the license that is required by law. It is better to see a saloon in our midst that is paying a legitimate license, than to see a patent medicine agency, where men and boys can go and drink and then exhibit themselves on the streets as good walking advertisements for a patent medicine firm.
- A shocking accident occurred last Sunday to Mrs. Terry, wife to Abraham Terry. It appears the unfortunate lady had goneout to milk her cow, and as she entered the shed it gave way, one of the beams falling across her neck and crushing her to the gronnd. A little girl who was staying with her hearing the noise came to her assistance, but finding she was unable to release her, ran and procured the assistance of two men who happened to be nearby, and they with difficulty raised the beam high enough to get the poor lady from under it. She was found to be dead when released from her awful position, her neck having been broken by the falling of the beam across it. She was a young woman and leaves one child ten months old. Her remains were taken to Ogden for burial K. KAYSVILLE December 20.
Kaysville Kinks
“There is sunshine after rain” C. O. Card was in town yesterday. John R Barnes was a visitor to the capital on Wednesday. Dr. Putnam, an old resident of Kaysville was seen on the...