- James Dwyer was up from Salt Lake on business yesterday
- Charles D. Evans one of the first settlers of Kaysville has been visiting old friends here during the week.
- A severe dust and wind storm struck the town about 7 o’clock last evening. At times the dust was so dense that it was impossible to see across the street.
- Mr. Joseph Payne will wield the tonsorial clippers over the heads of our citizens in the future. He has rented Barnes & Swan’s new building, and opened it as a barber shop.
- Mr. William Allen, our architect and builder, can without doubt take the prize for rapid bricklaying from anyone in the territory. On a trial recently he succeeded in laying 612 bricks in an hour.
- About 8 o’clock last Monday evening, George Layton’s house was discovered to be on fire. Neighbors quickly gathered and succeeded in saving the furniture carpets etc., but the frame building burned readily and soon was totally destroyed. Loss about one thousand dollars.
- We are sadly in need of a good hotel here in Kaysville. While all other branches of business are being pushed ahead, this one essential is being neglected. There is a good opening for a man who thoroughly understands his buiness and if some live energetic man will take hold of this matter and run a respectable house his success is sure.
- Early last Thursday morning, James Davis and wife were called upon to mourn the loss of their only child a babe about seven months old. The child had been a sufferer almost from its birth and of late all chances of its living seemed to have vanished. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon, and were well attended. The parents have the sympaty of all in their affliction.
- A rumor was in circulation last Wednesday, to the effect that the men employed by the brick and tile company would go out on strike that night. The reason given for this action was that the company was two days behind with their payments, owing to the president, Mr. Stewart, being out of town on business. The rumor was nothing, however, but an idle threat as was shown by the men appearing at their post ready for work the next morning as usual. KAYSVILLE, Sept 6. M.
Kaysville Kinks
“There is sunshine after rain” C. O. Card was in town yesterday. John R Barnes was a visitor to the capital on Wednesday. Dr. Putnam, an old resident of Kaysville was seen on the...