Kaysville Kinks

Kaysville was well represented at Syracuse yesterday. Dr. Hodges was up from Salt Lake on professional business last Tuesday. Threshing machines have commenced work, and the amount of grain that will be “pounded out” in the next three weeks would astonish those not...

Kaysville Kinks

Hot weather is still with us.  A good rain would be very acceptable just at present. At the school election held last Monday, the People’s nominee R. W. Barnes, was elected as trustee. Twenty-eight old folks from Kaysvjlle went to Salt Lake with the excursion last...

Kaysville Kinks

Hot? Well, yes. The thermometer registered 100 degrees in the shade on Wednesday. Hon. Joseph Barton, superintendent of the Territorial Reform school, was down from Ogden last Tuesday. On Tuesday last. quite a number of our young people spent a very enjoyable day at...

Kaysville Kinks

John R Barnes went to the carnival city yesterday. Mrs. T. G. Lewis has again opened her Ice cream and confectionery parlors near the postofflce. The clouds of dust that arise with every puff of wind suggest the idea that our main streets should be kept sprinkled....

Kaysville Kinks

Chas Pearson of Salt Lake paid us a flying visit last Thursday morning. W.S. Barnes and E. C. Barber, members of the firm of Barnes, Lewis & Co., and R. C. Barnes, an employee of the Deseret National bank, were up from Salt Lake on a visit last Sunday. A conjoint...